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An important message to our patients and their caregivers.

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As the world’s largest, oldest, and most experienced neurology and neurosurgery departments, our team treats more nervous system conditions than any other pediatric program in the world. We provide expert clinical care for children with neurologic conditions, and offer a breadth and depth of subspecialty care to provide the most accurate diagnoses and advanced treatments available.

Whatever nervous system condition or disorder your child may have, we have a specialist who can help. Contact Neurology or Neurosurgery directly for more information about our services or to schedule an appointment. We have nearly 40 specialty programs that serve children across a variety of conditions.

Why choose the Neuroscience Center

U.S. News & World Report has ranked the Boston Children’s Neurology/Neurosurgery Departments among the best in the nation.

We offer highly specialized, individualized care, and we've received high marks for best practices in neurology and neurosurgery and for use of the most advanced technologies. We’ve also been accredited for high nursing standards by the American Nurses Credentialing Center.

A pioneering history

We're proud to uphold a historical legacy that dates back to 1929, when we became the first dedicated child neurology service at a U.S. pediatric hospital, and where pediatric neurosurgery was first practiced. We went on to establish the country's first pediatric epilepsy unit (1944), the first comprehensive pediatric sleep center (1978), and the first dedicated pediatric neurocritical care program (1996).

Collaborative, patient-centered care

As neurologic conditions can be very complex, it’s critical to have a subspecialty care team that includes counselors, nurses, nurse practitioners, geneticists, social workers, and pharmacists who understand the intricacies of these conditions. We collaborate with specialists from multiple departments to ensure that each child receives the best possible care.

Many of our clinics, including neurology, epilepsy, and neurosurgery, are located on two floors in the Fegan Building and throughout Boston Children’s satellite locations. Our Neurosciences Patient Advisory Committee provides invaluable input into improving our families’ experiences. While we draw upon the knowledge of many experts, families are our best partners in care.

Focus on quality

Our team is committed to providing the very best experience for our patients. This includes a commitment to understanding how our patients are doing and tracking outcomes in a quality control database. We use this data to conduct research and share our data with such recognized organizations as the Pediatric Neurocritical Care Research Group and the National Healthcare Safety Network to continually improve the care our patients receive.

A reputation built on research and innovation

Our team is dedicated to the ongoing pursuit of innovative care, informed by the latest research, much of which we conduct in our own labs. Our cutting-edge neuroscience research program is unparalleled by any other institution in U.S.

We use the latest surgical innovations, such as 3-D printing and minimally invasive techniques, to provide our patients with the best possible outcomes. Our dedicated neurocritical care program employs the latest technologies and techniques to protect the brain during surgery.

Dedicated neuroscience nursing

The nursing team at the Boston Children’s Neuroscience Center partners with each patient’s family to plan and coordinate all stages of care. Our nurses have specialized training to care for patients with neurological conditions. They are an integral part of the care team across inpatient and ambulatory areas, including satellite locations.

Utilizing scientific knowledge from the field, our team of nurses and nurse practitioners provide evidence-based approaches to meet each child’s needs. Many have additional expertise in a particular subspecialty such as epilepsy, neuromuscular disorders, neurooncology, neurosurgery, spina bifida, stroke, and cerebrovascular conditions. The team is actively involved in research initiatives that improve care delivery and patient outcomes.

Talk to Lesley