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Boston Children’s Hospital Neighborhood Partnerships (BCHNP) is a school-based behavioral health program in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Boston Children's Hospital. BCHNP has partnered with the Boston Public Schools for more than 20 years and has a multidisciplinary team of 18 staff members. 

Three children sit and stand inside elementary school classroom

Our mission

BCHNP partners with school communities to create and sustain flexible, culturally responsive, and evidence-informed behavioral health systems that promote the health and well-being of all students, families, and staff. Our approach, research, and advocacy centers on the context of each partnership to provide preventive initiatives, training, consultation, and clinical interventions.

Our vision

BCHNP envisions a future where all students and members of the school community are thriving in a school environment that supports their behavioral health and well-being.

Program goals

  • Build and maintain strong partnerships through collaborative practices
  • Partner with schools to build the capacity of behavioral health systems
  • Increase equitable access to a range of behavioral health services and resources in schools
  • Evaluate school-based behavioral health by developing, implementing, and disseminating best practices

Talk to Lesley