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An important message to our patients and their caregivers.

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Eating disorders can be extremely hard on adolescents, young adults, and their families. Here at Boston Children’s Hospital, our Eating Disorders Program unites specialists in Adolescent/Young Adult Medicine, mental health services, and nutrition to care for your child’s unique needs, from the medical and the nutritional to the psychological.

Each year, we evaluate and provide ongoing care to hundreds of patients struggling with anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder, binge eating disorder, and related eating disorders. We have a range of services including medical assessment and treatment, nutrition assessment and counseling, mental health (including psychology, social work and/or psychiatry) assessment/consultation.

Our mission

The mission of the Boston Children's Hospital Eating Disorders Program is to provide high quality, interdisciplinary, comprehensive care to patients and their families who are struggling with eating disorders.

Our services

The Eating Disorders Program provides a wide range of comprehensive services for patients, families, and providers. This includes both outpatient care and medical stabilization in the inpatient setting. We refer to multiple eating disorder programs in the community for other levels of care. These include residential, partial/day program, or intensive outpatient programs.

Outpatient treatment for eating disorders

For outpatient treatment, we provide:

  • Consultation
  • Medical evaluation and treatment
  • Behavioral health consultation
  • Nutrition evaluation and counseling

Inpatient services

We also provide inpatient medical care for youth with eating disorders. Specialist nurses, registered dietitians, and psychiatrists all work with our adolescent/young adult medicine clinicians to help patients who are hospitalized because of acute medical needs related to their eating disorder.

Our collaborations

The staff in our program will work hand in hand with your primary care doctor and, when appropriate, make referrals to providers with expertise in treating eating disorders in your own community.

Talk to Lesley