Current Environment: Production

Researcher | Research Overview

Eugenia Chan's primary research area is measuring and improving the quality of care for children and adolescents with developmental and behavioral disorders, specifically Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). In previous work she examined healthcare utilization and costs attributable to children with ADHD, and investigated practice patterns for ADHD among primary care physicians.  She is co-developer and co-Principal Investigator of Boston Children's Hospital's Integrated Clinical Information Sharing System (ICISS), a web-based, patient-centered disease monitoring and management system, and leads the ICISS Collaborative Research Group in evaluating the impact of ICISS on quality, safety, and costs of longitudinal care for children with chronic conditions.

Goals of Dr. Chan's work include:

  • Improving the efficiency and effectiveness of care for children with developmental and behavioral disorders
  • Investigating the effect of a web-based patient monitoring system Integrated Clinical Information Sharing System (ICISS) on patient/family health outcomes, healthcare utilization and costs, and healthcare delivery for patients with a variety of chronic health conditions

Researcher | Research Background

Dr. Chan received her AB in psychology from Harvard University, MD from the University of Washington (Seattle), and MPH in clinical effectiveness from the Harvard School of Public Health.  She completed her residency in pediatrics at Yale-New Haven Hospital and fellowships in developmental-behavioral pediatrics and pediatric health services research at Boston Children's Hospital.

Researcher | Publications