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Researcher | Research Overview

The focus of Caroline Robson's research is pediatric head and neck imaging. Her primary interests and the goals of her research are:

  • To advance the understanding and imaging of pediatric head and neck disorders, with emphasis on head and neck tumors, temporal bone imaging and congenital cranial dysinnervation disorders
  • To advance the detection and diagnosis of craniofacial and head and neck abnormalities with MR.
  • The correlation of imaging findings with fetal and pediatric genetic disorders

Researcher | Research Background

Dr. Robson was awarded her MBChB from the University of Cape Town, South Africa, followed by a radiology residency at Groote Schuur Hospital, South Africa. She later completed a pediatric neuroradiology fellowship at Boston Children's Hospital before joining staff as a clinical neuroradiologist in 1996. Dr Robson is an Associate Professor of Radiology at Harvard Medical School.

Dr Robson collaborates with Dr Elizabeth Engle and other researchers from the Engle Lab and with clinician researchers from ORL, Ophthalmology, Maxillofacial and Plastic Surgery and Radiology.

Dr Robson serves as Radiology Vice Chair, Division Chief of Neuroradiology and Director of Head and Neck Imaging. She is a past president of the American Society of Pediatric Neuroradiology and is currently president-elect of the American Society of Head and Neck Radiology

Researcher | Publications