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Researcher | Research Overview

Dr. Sideridis supports with his work on methods and statistics the Division of Developmental Medicine and the Department of Psychiatry at BCH. His research interests lie on (a) the determination of measurement invariance in instruments related to achievement and aptitude, and, (b) on evaluating the effects of systematic measurement error on individuals’ scores.


Researcher | Research Background

Georgios D. Sideridis is Senior Survey Methodologist at Boston Children’s Hospital and Assistant Professor of Pediatrics at Harvard Medical School. He received his Ph.D. in Developmental and Child Psychology from the University of Kansas and did postdoctoral work at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. He has published more than 100 papers in international journals such as the Journal of Educational Psychology, Educational and Psychological Measurement, Journal of Applied Measurement, and Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment. He has been a member of editorial boards in the journals Journal of Learning Disabilities, Exceptional Children, Remedial and Special Education, Learning Disabilities Research and Practice, Assessment for Effective Interventions, Reading and Writing Quarterly, Psicothema, European Journal of Education and Psychology, and Psychology (in Greek).


Researcher | Publications