Current Environment: Production

Researcher | Research Overview

Dr. Joann Arce and her team focus on the following research areas:

  • Identification and characterization of molecular signatures using systems immunology approach ('omics and immunophenotyping assays)
  • Metabolic responses to vaccines and infections
  • Bacille Calmette Guerin and other neonatal vaccines in response to early life immunity
  • Multi-omic integration, network, and statistical modeling approaches
  • Cloud computing and data management of clinical and immunophenotyping data for large consortia and multi-institutional collaborations in the US and globally

Researcher | Research Background

Dr. Joann Diray Arce has expertise in systems immunology in infectious diseases and vaccines. She is a faculty within the Precision Vaccines Program, an Instructor at Harvard Medical School (HMS), and the Lead of the Data Management and Analysis Core (DMAC) of the Precision Vaccines Program (PVP) at Boston Children’s Hospital (BCH). She leads/co-investigates multiple NIH-funded programs in characterizing vaccine- and infection-induced immune responses using systems immunology approaches. She leads a team of data scientists under the Precision Vaccines Program who supports multiple international and multi-center consortia for clinical and data coordination, quality assurance protocols, and analyses of systems immunology profiling tools.

She led the "Immune Data Resource" under the Human Immunology Project Consortium, which is a compendium of curated systems vaccinology datasets with their corresponding immune responses from 53 cohorts and 24 different vaccines. Her academic productivity is exemplified by multiple first and co-authored publications in journals such as Science Immunology, Nature Immunology, Science Translational Medicine, Cell Reports, Frontiers in Immunology, mBio, and Vaccine, among many others, and have been highlighted in various media platforms.

Researcher | Publications