Judith Palfrey's primary research interest is in designing and evaluating programs for children with special health care needs. Her work is focused on the development of innovative systems of care and the assessment of the costs and benefits of such systems. She is currently the Principal Investigator of the NIDDR funded Opening Doors: The National Center for Children with Special Health Care Needs. This project is directed at improving access to early identification, community inclusion and effective transition services for children and youth from traditionally underserved communities. Dr. Palfrey is a national leader in research on the medical home for children with special health care needs, having conducted the Pediatric Alliance for Coordinated Care, which established the feasibility of the medical home for CSHCN. Dr. Palfrey also founded Project School Care which produced guidelines for the safe inclusion of CSHCN in schools.
Dr. Palfrey received her MD from Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons. She did her residency training at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine and was a fellow in Community Child Health at Children's Hospital. From 1986 to 2008, she served as the Chief of the Division of General Pediatrics at Children's Hospital. She was the National Director of Building Bright Futures, the Director of the National Program Office of the Anne E. Dyson Pediatric Training in the Community Initiative and is a Past President of the Ambulatory Pediatrics Association. She is currently the Director of the Children's International Pediatric Center and is working to establish training and service programs in international sites based on her experiences in the United States. She is the author of five books including Community Child Health (Praeger Press, 1994) and Child Health in America (Johns Hopkins Press, 2006).