Current Environment: Production

Researcher | Research Overview

Our laboratory group has established a novel murine model for inflammatory bladder disease and we continue to investigate the effects of novel glycosaminoglycan therapeutics on the prevention of inflammation and pain. We have established a highly qualified research team at Boston Children’s Hospital with expertise in mast cell biology, medicinal chemistry and inflammation. A large focus of our current bladder studies are a continuum from a previous NIH R43 (DK093413-01) and NIH R01 grant (DK100868-01). I strongly feel our current research is innovative in that we further dissect the role of IL-33 activation of mast cells in bladder inflammation and pain. In addition, we further exploit our patented SAGE compounds which possess potent anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. Our current work will extend the knowledge of the IL-33 – mast cell – bladder inflammation and pain axis and provide detailed knowledge about the inflammation and pain attenuation properties of our SAGE compounds.

In addition to our bladder inflammation and pain body of work, in 2018 in conjunction with my lab and collaborative team at the University of Utah, we were awarded a 5 year NIH R01 grant (R01CA227225-01A1) to further investigate innovative therapeutic approaches to treat radiation induced proctitis. The goal of this work is to better elucidate the role of mast cells in disease propagation in patients receiving lower abdominal pelvic radiotherapy. In addition, a large focus is to better understand the thermoresponsive properties of our silk-elastin like protein polymer system and to optimize SAGE drug delivery within the rectum. Overall, our research efforts continue to represent significant, innovative, and high-impact science that continues to move the field of urology forward.

Researcher | Research Background

Over the past two decades, I’ve dedicated my life towards treating patients suffering from inflammatory diseases and elucidating the pathophysiology and testing therapeutics to treat these conditions. I am a pediatric urologist and have extensive experience in molecular biology, developmental biology, genitourinary embryology, inflammatory cell biology, and therapeutic biomaterial development.

Researcher | Media

Caregiver Profile

Meet Dr. Siam Oottamasathien

Researcher | Publications