Current Environment: Production

The policies outlined below were last updated on: July 16, 2021

COVID-19 vaccine

We highly recommend the COVID vaccine for our patients 12 years and older. We do not have the vaccine in our office but encourage you to find an available appointment at

Well visits

We are able to see all patients in-person for well visits, however it is possible to have a virtual well visit if needed. Feel free to call and talk with our staff about scheduling. Please note that a patient may not have two VIRTUAL well visits in a row except in rare circumstances. If your child has already had a virtual visit, please make sure to schedule the next well visit face-to-face.

If your child needs vaccines, a face-to-face visit is highly recommended so that we can administer the vaccines without delay. Standard vaccines are due at the following ages: 2, 4, 6, 12, 15 and 18 months, 4, 11, 16 and 18 years.

Telehealth/virtual well visits (visits when vaccines are not required)

Our experience with telehealth has been extremely positive. Obviously, there will be things we cannot achieve during a virtual visit but if something is needed we can always schedule a quick trip to the office to complete the visit.

What you will need to prepare for a virtual visit:

  • If possible please weigh and measure the height of your child
  • Well-lit room with an option for privacy for adolescents/young adults (headphones and a closed door work well)
  • Zoom (on a web browser if using your computer, on the app if using your phone -- the web browsers don't work on the phone)
  • MyChart registration (this can be done by calling the office to set it up if needed)

Sick visits

Our aim is to manage as many patients as we can in the office but we know that the convenience of telehealth provides an opportunity to take care of things that don’t require an extensive physical exam. Examples would include questions about behavior, mental health, a red eye, certain skin disorders and medication follow ups. We CANNOT see patients virtually to assess for an ear infection, breathing difficulty, concern for broken bones or things that require us to perform a thorough exam. Our staff will help triage which type of visit is appropriate based on your concern.

Telephone advice

We will continue to give advice over the phone as before. Your insurance company may be billed, depending on the level of care (time, complexity) provided.

Behavioral health

Our social worker, Jasmine Sahady, LICSW, is seeing patients by virtual visit. Please call if you would like to schedule an appointment with her.

Weekend care

Weekend coverage remains unchanged, except that we will be managing some questions via telehealth and some in the office. We continue to rotate coverage with our wonderful colleagues at Centre Pediatrics.

COVID testing

We have multiple options for our patients including:

  • In-house testing performed by one of our providers. We use the Abbott nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT), which is a molecular test and has turn around times within the hour.
  • Send-out PCR testing (to Boston Children’s Hospital) performed by one of our providers. Results are usually back in under 8 hours.
  • Of course you can always pursue testing outside of our office by going to

Office procedures to reduce the transmission of COVID-19

Talk to Lesley

If this is a medical emergency, please dial 9-1-1. This application should not be used in an emergency. This chat is being transmitted via a secure connection.

Hi! My name is Lesley. I am a virtual agent programmed to help you. If you would like to speak to a live person regarding a diagnosis or symptoms, please call the department you are looking for directly or 617-355-6000 or click here to log into your MyChildrens portal.

Quick links:

- Global Services
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- Programs and Services
- Conditions and Treatments
- Request an Appointment