Current Environment: Production

We're hiring!

Commonwealth Pediatrics is currently hiring a new behavioral health clinician!

If you or someone you know is interested in working with our team, speak with our practice administrator Kerrin Blake to learn more, or seek us out on Indeed!

At Commonwealth Pediatrics, all our staff work closely together to support the overall health of our patients and families.

Our behavioral health clinicians work alongside your pediatrician and nurse practitioners to care for your child. They provide consultation, evaluation, education, brief treatment and referral guidance for children and families, together and in coordination with the Commonwealth Pediatrics staff you already know.

For any questions or concerns, or for help with:

  • worry , anxiety , phobias, panic & OCD
  • shyness & selective mutism
  • school resistance
  • school or learning difficulties
  • conduct problems
  • adjustment problems
  • depression
  • pain, health & medical conditions
  • tics & habit control problems
  • body image & disordered eating
  • family crises
  • parent-child conflicts
  • sibling or peer group conflicts
  • trauma or grief
  • ADD/ADHD consultation
  • developmental consultation

If you or your child’ s doctor believe a consultation may be helpful, we can...

  • introduce you to the behavioral health provider at the time of your visit
  • schedule you for a future appointment