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Trial Phases

Clinical Trials

Identifying Genetic Causes of IC/BPS

Interstitial cystitis (IC), also called Bladder Pain syndrome (BPS), or chronic pelvic pain syndrome(CPPS) is a common condition with no known cause or cure. Twin studies and family accounts have ...

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Preterm Lung Patient Registry

The goal of the Preterm Lung Patient Registry is to collect data on individuals with neonatal lung disease to better understand the illness and ultimately improve their care and survival. The Patient ...

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Neuroblastoma Biology Study

Medical scientists want to find better ways to treat neuroblastoma and to find ways to prevent the tumor from growing back. To do this, they need more information about the characteristics of ...

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Genetics of Epilepsy and Related Disorders

Investigators at Boston Children's Hospital are conducting research in order to better understand the genetic factors which may contribute to epilepsy and related disorders. These findings may help ...

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Orchidopexy Randomized Clinical Assessment

This is a randomized trial designed to evaluate testicular outcomes after a single stage versus a two-stage surgical procedure to fix an undescended, one-sided testicle located in the abdomen. Also to ...

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MRI Assessment of Placental Health

The ultimate goal of this project is to develop methods that allow informed decision-making on the delivery time of fetuses that are at increased risk of stillbirth due to IUGR. In placenta related ...

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