Current Environment: Production


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Medical Records | Overview

The Medical Records Department keeps patient information for both inpatients and outpatients at Boston Children's Hospital. Our office is open 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday and can be reached at 617-355-7546. Please note our office is located at an off-site location and cannot accommodate walk in customers.

How to view your protected information at Boston Children's Hospital

MyChildren's Patient Portal is a secure, easy-to-use way for parents to access some of their children's medical information, online or on the go.

How to authorize the release of or obtain copies of health information

You must submit permission before we can release your child's health information. Please fill out one of these forms.

Please note that different forms are used if you are the patient or if you are the patient representative/guardian making the request; please select the appropriate link above. Requests for medical records do not include Radiology imaging. To request a copy of imaging done at Boston Children’s Hospital, please see the Radiology section below.

To submit written permission please complete, sign, and mail or fax us the following form:

Mailing Address:
Attn.: Medical Records
300 Longwood Ave.
Boston, MA 02115

Fax: 617-730-0327 or 617-730-0329

Charges for copies

There is no charge for copies requested by health care providers or those needed for consultation or continuing care. Copies for personal reasons will be charged $6.50 (a bill will be included with the requested records).

Attorneys and Insurers requesting records will be billed for the copies according to the number of pages in the record being requested.

Receiving the information you requested

Due to the large volume of requests, record copies are not immediately available. Once the Medical Records Department receives your authorization to release information, it will take approximately 10 business days for the record to be produced.

The information will be delivered as soon as it is available to the location you provide.

Name changes

Complete and sign this form to request a Name Change or Correction to Name, Date of Birth or Sex. You must submit legal documentation (see page 2 of form) with this form for a change to be made to a patient's name. The patient (if over 18) or parent/legal guardian must sign this form before the name can be changed.

Mailing Address:
Attn: Medical Records (BCH3040)
300 Longwood Ave.
Boston, MA 02115

Fax: 617-730-4675
Phone: 617-355-7544


For release of X-rays or other radiological images, please fax your request to the Department of Radiology Image Service Center at 617-730-0538.

How we protect the privacy of your health information

Boston Children's is committed to respecting and protecting the rights of our patients and families. The privacy of your child's health information is very important to us, and we make every effort to ensure that it is kept confidential.

Protected Health Information (PHI) is information about your child's health care that may include information that can identify your child or is related to your child's health, the care received here or payment for care. The Children's Hospital Notice of Privacy Practices describes how we may use or disclose your child's PHI and your rights to access and/or change that information. As described in the notice (download pdf below), you may request copies of your child's health information, or request a list of people or organizations that have received information from us, and you may request how and where we communicate with you.

Talk to Lesley