Current Environment: Production


The purpose of this study is to identify the optimal deimplementation strategies for an overused practice: continuous pulse oximetry monitoring of children hospitalized with bronchiolitis who are not receiving supplemental oxygen.


Bronchiolitis Acute Viral

Recruitment Status


Eligibility Criteria

Population 1a: Hospital staff who complete study questionnaires.

Inclusion Criteria:

* Nurse or physician fluent in English and employed full-time by the hospital, affiliated practice, or affiliated university who cared for bronchiolitis patients on a unit participating in the trial during at least 5 days of the most recent bronchiolitis season
* Hospital administrator fluent in English who oversaw the care of bronchiolitis on a local level (e.g. nurse manager) or a hospital level (e.g. Chief Quality and Safety Officer)

Exclusion Criteria:

• Under the direct supervision of study or site principal investigator(s)

Population 1b: Hospital staff who participate in qualitative interviews

In Aim 2, we will conduct semi-structured interviews with physicians and nurses who provide care to bronchiolitis patients in participating units at the 5 hospitals with the highest and 3 hospitals with the lowest sustainability (8 hospitals total; up to maximum of 8 interviews/hospital). Maximum anticipated enrollment 64.

Inclusion criteria:

* Nurses or Physicians who cared for bronchiolitis patients on a unit participating in the trial during at least 5 days of the most recent bronchiolitis season
* Employed full-time by the hospital, affiliated practice, or affiliated university
* Fluent in English

Exclusion criteria:

• No exclusion criteria

Population 2a: Bronchiolitis patients directly observed while not receiving supplemental oxygen ("in room air," for primary trial outcome)

Inclusion Criteria:

* Infants and children 2 months through 23 months old
* Hospitalized on non-ICU wards participating in the trial
* Cared for by generalist inpatient services (e.g. general pediatrics, hospital medicine)
* Primary diagnosis of bronchiolitis in most recent physician progress note
* Not actively receiving supplemental oxygen ("in room air")
* Last documented receipt of supplemental oxygen \>1 hour prior to direct observational data collection

Exclusion Criteria:

* Documented apnea or cyanosis during the current illness
* Extreme prematurity (\<28 weeks completed gestation)
* Cardiac disease
* Pulmonary hypertension
* Chronic lung disease
* Home oxygen requirement
* Neuromuscular disease
* Immunodeficiency
* Cancer
* Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (Covid-19 / SARS-CoV-2)-related illness (known or suspected, including multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children multi-system inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C)

Population 2b: Bronchiolitis patients directly observed while receiving supplemental oxygen (for underuse evaluation).

Inclusion Criteria:

* Infants and children 2 months through 23 months old
* Hospitalized on non-ICU wards participating in the trial
* Cared for by generalist inpatient services (e.g. general pediatrics, hospital medicine)
* Primary diagnosis of bronchiolitis in most recent physician progress note
* Actively receiving ≥2 Liters/minute (2L/min) supplemental oxygen or 21% room air flow

Exclusion Criteria:

* Extreme prematurity (\<28 weeks completed gestation)
* Cardiac disease
* Pulmonary hypertension
* Chronic lung disease
* Home oxygen requirement
* Neuromuscular disease
* Immunodeficiency
* Cancer
* Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 \[Covid-19 / SARS-CoV-2 (known or suspected)\]

Population 3: Parents or guardians of bronchiolitis patients who participate in qualitative interviews.

Inclusion Criteria:

* Their child was hospitalized for bronchiolitis on a unit participating in the trial during the most recent bronchiolitis season
* Their child was found to be in room air during Aim 1 data collection
* Fluent in English

Exclusion criteria:

• They are an employee of the hospital or a hospital volunteer


Intervention Type

Intervention Name


Educational Outreach


Audit & Feedback (unit level)


Audit & Feedback (real time, individual-level)


Clinical Pathway Integrated into Electronic Health Record





Min Age

2 Months

Max Age


Download Date


Principal Investigator

Patty Stoeck, MD

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Primary Contact Information

Patty Stoeck, MD

This field has been modified from to show a contact specific to Boston Children's.

For more information on this trial, visit


For more information and to contact the study team:

Eliminating Monitor Overuse Trial (EMO Trial) NCT05132322 Patty Stoeck, MD

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