Current Environment: Production

Jennifer Harris | Education

Undergraduate School

University of New Hampshire

1997, Durham, MA

Graduate School

Utah State University

1999, Logan, UT


Tufts Medical Center

2000, Boston, MA

Graduate School

University of Florida

2003, Gainesville, FL

Jennifer Harris | Professional History

Dr. Harris started her audiological career by establishing the Newborn Hearing Screening Program at Tufts Medical Center in Boston, and working with patients who received cochlear implants. She then spent two years at The Learning Center for the Deaf, developing services for students with cochlear implants. She returned to Boston to manage the Newborn Hearing Screening Program at Brigham and Women's Hospital, and finally landed here at Boston Children's Hospital, where she has worked in pediatric audiology and cochlear implants since 2005.

Selected Publications

  1. CIs with Known Potential for Failure: Monitoring and Management in Children (Lewkowitz, Ashleigh AuD; Harris, Jennifer AuD; Licameli, Greg) The Hearing Journal: September 2020 - Volume 73 - Issue 9 - p 9,10,11
  2. Incidence, Time Course, and Implications of Electrode Abnormalities in Pediatric Cochlear Implant Recipients (Harris JM, Neault MW, O'Neill EE, Griffin AM, Kawai K, Kenna MA, Licameli GR.) Ear Hear. 2020 Aug 20.