Current Environment: Production

Lesley Wayler | Medical Services


Programs & Services

Lesley Wayler | Education

Graduate School

University of Southern California

2017, Los Angeles, CA

Lesley Wayler | Professional History

Lesley Wayler LICSW is the Clinical Social Worker for Boston Children’s Eating Disorder Clinic in the Department of Adolescent and Young Adult Medicine. Lesley received her bachelor’s degree in Media Communications from Austin College and her master’s degree in Social Work from the University of Southern California. During her graduate studies, she interned with University of California San Diego’s Eating Disorder Treatment Center where she was introduced to the complexities surrounding eating disorders. Lesley went on to gain experience in the treatment of Binge Eating Disorder and emotional overeating while working at Green Mountain Fox Run. Lesley approaches her work from a Health at Every Size lens and uses empathy, openness and curiosity to help individuals overcome struggles with disordered eating, body image and mental health concerns.