Current Environment: Production

Naomi Gauthier | Medical Services

Programs & Services


  • English

Naomi Gauthier | Education

Medical School

University of Massachusetts School of Medicine

1991, Worcester, MA


University of California, Davis

1995, Sacramento, CA


University of Virginia

1998, Charlottesville, VA

Naomi Gauthier | Certifications

  • American Board of Pediatrics (Cardiology)

Naomi Gauthier | Professional History

I have been practicing clinical cardiology since 1998. Beyond my love for patient care, my interests are in strengthening collaborations, studying patient outcomes, exercise physiology, and physical activity promotion.

Naomi Gauthier | Media

Parentcast Postcast

Dr. Naomi Gauthier is featured: How vital is exercise for a kid’s heart/body/mind?

Naomi Gauthier | Publications

I entered medicine to work with and be inspired by children in need, and my overarching professional goal is to help them thrive and reach their optimum potential.