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Olutoyin Fayemi | Medical Services


  • English

Olutoyin Fayemi | Education

Undergraduate School

Yale University

1988, New Haven, CT

Medical School

Harvard Medical School

1993, Boston, MA


Boston Children's Hospital

1997, Boston, MA


Boston Children's Hospita

1998, Boston, MA

Olutoyin Fayemi | Certifications

  • American Board of Pediatrics (General)

Olutoyin Fayemi | Professional History

Dr. Olutoyin Fayemi graduated from Yale University with a bachelor’s degree in architecture and received his medical degree from Harvard Medical School. He trained at Boston Children’s Hospital and spent 2 years after residency working in the Emergency Room at Children’s Hospital. His interests include medical technology and sports medicine. In his free time, he enjoys swimming, running, and biking.

Olutoyin Fayemi | Media

I became a pediatrician out of my love for children. Throughout my life I’ve worked with children in many different ways, most recently as a father and pediatrician. I enjoy the challenge of working with families to customize their care and to determine what's best for their family.