Current Environment: Production

Philip Levy | Medical Services

Programs & Services


  • English

Philip Levy | Education

Undergraduate School

Rutgers University

2001, New Brunswick, NJ

Medical School

Sackler School of Medicine

2006, Tel Aviv, Israel


Children's Hospital at Montefiore

2006, Bronx, NY


New York Medical College

2010, Westchester, NY


Saint Louis Children's Hospital, Washington University School of Medicine

2013, St. Louis, MO

Philip Levy | Certifications

  • American Board of Pediatrics (General)
  • American Board of Pediatrics (Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine)

Philip Levy | Professional History

Dr. Philip Levy's professional activities span the realm of clinical service, research and teaching, all devoted to discovering, implementing and teaching evidence-based clinical care of seriously ill newborns.

His patient-oriented and translational research initiatives also focus on cardiac mechanics in congenital and acquired heart diseases in the neonatal and pediatric population. His work is part of a larger international collaborative that was established to examine emerging measures of cardiac function and pulmonary hemodynamics in large preterm birth cohorts to define physiological and pathological patterns of postnatal cardiac adaptation. The major objective of the research is to extend the capacity for non-invasive ultrasound as a tool to enhance the understanding of newborn cardio-pulmonary disease and explore its contribution in quantitative cardiac phenotyping.

We continue to publish normative data in large neonatal and pediatric populations using prospective cohort analysis and meta-analysis approach, for which Dr. Levy has authored original research papers on neonatal hemodynamics.

Philip Levy | Publications

In the Boston Children’s Hospital (BCH) Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) our philosophy is to ensure that every patient receives the best care for the best possible outcomes. We consider our “patient” to be the baby and the family; we are constantly striving to serve the needs of both. This requires a team based approach with all members being essential.