Current Environment: Production

Scott A. Elisofon | Education

Medical School

Tufts University School of Medicine

1999, Boston, MA


Children's Memorial Hospital

2002, Chicago, IL


Pediatric Gastroenterology

Boston Children's Hospital

2005, Boston, MA



Boston Children's Hospital

2006, Boston, MA

Scott A. Elisofon | Certifications

  • American Board of Pediatrics (Gastroenterology)
  • American Board of Pediatrics (Transplant Hepatology)

Scott A. Elisofon | Professional History

Dr. Elisofon serves as the Medical Director of the Liver Transplant Program.  His specialties include childhood liver and biliary tract disease in addition to liver transplantation. Dr. Elisofon is board certified in Pediatric Gastroenterology and Pediatric Transplant Hepatology.

Dr. Elisofon is an active participant in SPLIT (Studies of Pediatric Liver Transplantation), a multi-center registry for Pediatric Liver Transplant. He has been a past committee member of the UNOS Pediatric Transplant Committee. 

Locally, Dr. Elisofon serves on the Medical Advisory Committee for the American Liver Foundation, New England Division.

Scott A. Elisofon | Media

Caregiver Profile

Meet Dr. Scott Elisofon

Scott A. Elisofon | Publications