Current Environment: Production

Roberta “Robin” Goulding | Medical Services


  • English

Roberta “Robin” Goulding | Education

Undergraduate School


Fitchburg State University

Fitchburg, MA

Roberta “Robin” Goulding | Certifications

  • International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC)

Roberta “Robin” Goulding | Professional History

Robin is an International Board-Certified Lactation Consultant and is also an RN.  Robin has over 20 years of experience working with moms and babies, helping them with breastfeeding.  She has worked in many environments, hospitals, teaching classes, home visits, and now working for Bridgewater Pediatrics.  She is the mother of five children and loves gardening and scrapbooking.  She wants to assist you and your partner with breastfeeding, problem solving, and enjoying time with your baby.