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Talya Mandelkern | Medical Services

Programs & Services


  • English

Talya Mandelkern | Education

Undergraduate School

University of Connecticut

Storrs, CT

Medical School

University of Pittsburgh

Pittsburgh, PA


Internal Medicine/Pediatrics

Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh/University of Pittsburgh Medical Center

Pittsburgh, PA

Talya Mandelkern | Professional History

Talya Mandelkern, MD is an early career physician and medical educator in the fields of Internal Medicine and Pediatrics. She is dedicated to providing holistic, patient-centered, and evidence-based care to patients across the lifespan. After medical school training at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, she completed a combined fellowship in Internal Medicine and Pediatrics with certificates in Medical Education and Clinical Reasoning. Following her residency graduation, I joined Boston Children’s Hospital Pediatric Hospitalist Medicine and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Hospitalist Medicine.

Dr. Mandelkern specializes in the care of hospitalized patients across the lifespan. Dr. Mandelkern's training makes her particularly qualified to care for adults with childhood-onset disease and children with adult illnesses. Her clinical interests include the healthcare of medically complex children as they transition into adult hospital systems. Dr. Mandelkern is dedicated to providing holistic, quality care to diverse patients across the lifespan, and to teaching the skills essential to this practice.