Current Environment: Production

Information & Resources | Overview

Consultancy fees and arrangements

Dr. Shrier is able to serve as a consultant to projects proposing a replication of the Safer Sex Intervention at a rate of $600/hour for a minimum of 20 hours in the first year of the project (we can discuss any consultancy hours after the first year). If you anticipate that her involvement would exceed 80 hours in a year, then we would ask that she be included in the budget as a co-investigator under a subcontract. If you are interested in having Dr. Shrier consult on your project, please let us know more about you and your proposal by emailing with information about why you selected the Safer Sex Intervention for replication, what your experience is with conducting behavioral interventions, and who the staff conducting the replication will be.

In the original study, Dr. Shrier trained the health educators (all female nurses or public health students) over several hours through discussion of the underlying health behavior theories, review of the intervention manuals, practice with her and/or other educators, and a mock session with an adolescent girl (a clinic patient volunteer or a peer leader) that was videotaped and reviewed for fidelity to the manual; appropriate use of handouts, condoms, and other tools; flow of the conversation and comfort with the material; and ability to engage and connect with the adolescent. Dr. Shrier is able to consult on training plans. She can also provide trainings, which are scheduled on the basis of interest and need. We offer two types of training: Train the Facilitator for individuals who will be doing the intervention (two days), and Train the Trainer for those who will be training others to do the intervention (three days).

Please call 617-355-8306 or email if you are interested in learning more about training opportunities.

Office of Population Affairs Teen Pregnancy Prevention (TPP) Program

Click here for information about TPP funding, grantees, evidence-based programs, and performance measures.

Pregnancy prevention

Safer Sex Intervention replication evaluation reports are available at the links below:

See the Office of Adolescent Health's Teen Pregnancy Prevention site for an extensive list of evidence-based programs.

Replication sites

Below are some of the clinics and locations that have implemented the Safer Sex Intervention:

  • Planned Parenthood of Greater Orlando, Orlando, Fla.
  • Golden Valley Health Centers, Merced, Calif.
  • Hennepin County Human Services & Public Health Department, Minneapolis, Minn.
  • Knox County Health Department, Knoxville, Tenn.
  • Louisiana Public Health Institute, New Orleans, La.
  • Northern Nevada HOPES, Reno, Nev.
  • Community Action Corporation of South Texas, Alice, Texas

Additional descriptions of SSI

Read the Resource Center for Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention's (ReCAPP) overview of the Safer Sex Intervention here.

Read The California Evidence-Based Clearinghouse for Child Welfare (CEBC) description of the Safer Sex Intervention: