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Recall Alert

There is a voluntary recall of Potassium Chloride Extended-Release Capsules. Learn more

C-CORE Partners | Overview


C-CORE leadership team

C-CORE is a partnership involving four cornerstones of children's health and education in Boston:

Leadership team members

  • Deborah Allen, C-CORE Community Research Associate, Director of Bureau of Child, Adolescent & Family Health, BPHC
  • Laura Bogart, C-CORE Associate Director and Research Team Co-Leader, Research Director, Division of General Pediatrics, BCH & Associate Professor of Pediatrics, HMS
  • April Allen, C-CORE Center Manager, Division of General Pediatrics, BCH
  • Jill Carter, C-Core Education Team Co-Leader, Executive Director of Health & Wellness, BPS
  • Paula McNichols, C-CORE Dissemination Team Co-Leader, Board Member, MLCHC & Executive Director, Brookside Community Health Center
  • Shari Nethersole, C-CORE Education Team Co-Leader and Co-Community Liaison, Medical Director for Community Health, BCH & Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, HMS
  • John Riordan, C-CORE Co-Community Liaison, Director of Community Partnerships, BCH
  • Snehal Shah, C-CORE Research Team Co-Leader, Director of Research and Evaluation, BPCH

Research team

  • Laura Bogart, C-CORE Research Team Co-Leader
  • Snehal Shah, C-CORE Research Team Co-Leader

Education team

  • Jill Carter, C-CORE Education Team Co-Leader
  • Shari Nethersole, C-CORE Education Team Co-Leader

Dissemination team

  • Paula McNichols, C-CORE Dissemination Team Leader

C-CORE administration

  • Diana Santiago, C-CORE Project Manager, Bureau of Child, Adolescent and Family Health, BPHC
  • Dorothy McLeod, C-CORE Research Assistant, Division of General Pediatrics, BCH


Advisory Boards

C-CORE activities are guided by a Community-Academic Advisory Board (CAAB) of diverse representatives from Boston community organizations/agencies and local academic experts.


  • helps to identify community health research priorities and needs
  • facilitates and maintains relationships between C-CORE staff and community partners
  • develops, implements, and interprets results of research projects
  • develops plans for dissemination of successful research;
  • educates researchers on community issues
  • integrates research findings into community programs
  • provides ongoing feedback to staff on C-CORE activities

The Mayor’s Youth Council (MYC), which is composed of high school students representing every Boston neighborhood, advises C-CORE on youth health priorities. In addition, C-CORE works with other youth advisory boards throughout the City of Boston.


Community-Academic Advisory Board (CAAB) members

  • Bette Bohlke-O'Gara, Executive Director, KeySteps Boston, Inc.
  • Shari Davis, Director, Mayor's Youth Council (MYC)
  • Sarah de Ferranti, Director, Preventive Cardiology Clinic, BCH & Assistant Professor, HMS
  • Charles Deutsch, Deputy Director, Community Health Innovations & Research Program, Harvard Catalyst
  • Luba Feigenberg, Associate Director of Research & Evaluation, Boston Children’s Hospital Neighborhood Partnerships (BCHNP) & Instructor in Psychiatry, HMS
  • Jon Finkelstein, Vice Chair for Quality and Outcomes, Department of Medicine, BCH & Associate Professor of Pediatrics and Population Medicine, HMS
  • Elmer Freeman, Executive Director, Center for Community Health Education Research and Service, Inc.
  • Donna Friedman, Director, Center for Social Policy, UMass Boston McCormack Graduate School
  • Steve Gortmaker, Professor & Director of Prevention Research Center, Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH)
  • Daphne Griffin, Chief of Human Services, City of Boston
  • Rev. Gregory Groover Sr., Vice President, Board of the Black Ministerial Alliance of Greater Boston
  • Karen Hacker, Director, CBPR Consulting Program, Harvard Catalyst & Executive Director, Institute for Community Health
  • Esther Lopez, Executive Director, Martha Eliot Health Center
  • Carolyn Leung-Rubin, Assistant Professor, Tufts University School of Medicine
  • Claudio Martinez, Executive Director, Hyde Square Task Force
  • Jorge Martinez Sr., Executive Director, Project Right
  • Margaret Noce, Executive Director, Jamaica Plain Coalition: Tree of Life/Arbol de Vida
  • Voula Osganian, Director, Clinical Research Program, BCH & Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, HMS
  • Judith Palfrey, Senior Associate in Medicine, BCH & Professor, HMS & HSPH
  • Deborah Jean Parsons, Director of Policy, Parent/Professional Advocacy League
  • Wanda Phipatanakul, Associate Physician in Allergy and Immunology, BCH & Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, HMS
  • Joan Reede, Dean of Diversity and Community Partnership, HMS
  • Sharon Scott-Chandler, Vice President, Action for Boston Community Development
  • Nandini Sengupta, Clinical Director of Pediatrics, The Dimock Center
  • Michael Silverstein, Associate Professor, Boston University
  • Georgia Simpson May, Director, Office of Health Equity, Massachusetts Department of Public Health
  • Lauren Smith, Medical Director, Massachusetts Department of Public Health
  • Neil Sullivan, Executive Director, Boston Private Industry Council
  • Roland Tang, Pediatrician, South Cove Community Health Center & Pediatric Physicians' Organization at Children's (PPOC)
  • Sara Toomey, Instructor in Pediatrics, BCH & HMS
  • Jane Tewksbury, Executive Director, Thrive in 5
  • Karen Van Unen, Chief Operating Officer, Dotwell
  • John Verre, Assistant Superintendent of Special Education, BPS
  • Ralph Vetters, Medical Director, Sidney Borum Jr. Health Center
  • Bill Walczak, President, Caritas Carney Hospital
  • Elizabeth Woods, Associate Chief of Adolescent Medicine, CHB & Associate Professor of Pediatrics, HMS
  • Abdirahman Yusuf, Executive Director, Somali Development Corporation