Current Environment:

Resources for Kirby Fellows | Overview

Welcome to the Kirby Center! 

Required trainings

Lab safety training (internal link) for EVERYONE

Animal user training (internal link) for ANIMAL USERS

Responsible Conduct of Research training (internal link) for NIH-supported trainees, fellows & faculty (training, career development awards & research education grants)

New Fellows' Orientation - for EVERYONE; not required but strongly recommended (3rd Tuesday/month, contact to register/for more information)

Lab support

Research Laboratory Support (internal link) - contacts, trainings, policies & procedures, guidelines & regulations, lab support group

For afterhours (7pm-7am, weekends, holidays) access to the research buildings/labs, you must complete a research access form.  Forms can be obtained from Eliza Deauna in the Karp lobby and should be returned to her with your PI's signature. 

Research Fellow Benefits

2018 benefits overview

*You must enroll in benefits within 30 days of your hire date.
**Please keep in mind that eligibility for benefits is determined by status at Boston Children's.  Some benefits may not be available to Associated Personnel-Research Fellows (fellows whose salary is not paid by/through Children's).  Please contact Amy Weinberg or the Human Resources Employee Service Center if you have questions regarding your eligibility.

Fellows Manual 

Boston Children's Hospital policies for research fellows - standards, expectations, leaves of absence, problem resolution, grievance. 
For assistance with conflict or problem resolution, research fellows can contact:
Kirby Ombudspersons: Amy Weinberg, Administrative Director, x44023 CLS 12063; Zhigang He, PhD x42353 CLS 13076; 
Judith Steen, PhD x42450 CLS 12032

Ombuds office at HMS

Neurobiology/Neurology Policy for Promotion to Instructor

Neurobiology/Neurology Policy for Promotion to Instructor

Neurobiology sees a major part of its mission the training of research fellows and this role is necessarily time limited. Neurobiology/Neurology will however, in special circumstances, request Instructor status at Harvard Medical School for qualified Postdoctoral Fellows to facilitate their eligibility for specific grant applications requiring status as an Instructor.   Qualifications, in order of importance, include:

  1. A first-authored, high impact publication which significantly contributes to conceptual advance in science.  Publication vehicle must be considered one of the top in its field. 
  2. Perceived ability to obtain grants are other factors that will be reviewed by a faculty subcommittee.  
  3. Seniority
  4. Specific grant identified which requires appointment as an Instructor.

Attainment of an Instructor appointment at HMS will not be construed as entry into a tenured track position, nor will it imply independence or an allocation of space.  The Instructor will still work under the supervision of a Kirby center faculty member with expectation of transition to another position when training is complete.  

Neurobiology Promotion to Instructor Procedure

Note: the Kirby Center will not permit Instructors to apply for NIH R grants (other than combination fellowship/faculty grants such as K99/R00), as these awards imply an independent status.


Office of Fellowship Training(OFT)

The BCH Office of Fellowship Training webpage has a wealth of information and resources:

  • Welcome to BCH and Boston

    • New Fellows' Orientation 
    • Finding Housing
    • Transportation and Housing
    • Childcare and Children's Education
    • Boston on a Budget
    • Sports and Fitness
    • Work-life Balance
  • Resources for BCH Fellows

    • BCH Library (internal link)
    • CITI training (Responsible Conduct of Research)
    • Employee Assistance Program (EAP) (confidential resources: legal/financial/emergency assistance, counseling, etc)
    • BCH Office of Immigration **Visa holders must check in with the Office as soon as possible after arrival**
    • Individual Development Plan (IDP)
    • Technology & Innovation Development Office (TIDO) (MTAs patents, etc)
  • Program Offerings

    • Skills Development (ESL, mentoring, communication, leadership, public speaking)
    • Improving Scientific Writing and Presentations
    • Seminars and Events

Computer Services

Please visit the Information Services Department webpage (internal link) for helpful information about accounts, passwords, remote access, and computer encryption (required for all laptops accessing the BCH network).
Email and server access will be ordered for you by Karen Caballero.

Postdoc Associations

BCH Postdoc Association (PDA)  - liaison between fellows, faculty and administration, fosters a sense of community among fellows, and advances professional development through career development seminars, mentoring and social events

HMS/HSDM Postdoctoral Associationrepresent and connect its members, promote academic and career goals, including training and counseling to assist in career and professional development,disseminate information

Kirby Information and Events

Neurobiology Seminar Series - Kirby Center's joint series with Neurobiology at HMS.  Mondays, 12:15pm, Folkman Aud. (contact Becky Wysocki for more information)

Kirby Lab Results Talks  - Wednesdays, 10:30am CLS 12 conference room (contact Becky Wysocki for more information)

For lists of Kirby fellows, please consult the lab pages on individual Kirby faculty pages.

Resources for Kirby Fellows | Contact Us