Current Environment: Production

Jason Reynolds | Medical Services


  • English

Jason Reynolds | Education

Undergraduate School

University of New Hampshire

1991, Durham, NH

Graduate School

Dartmouth Medical School

1997, Hanover, NH

Medical School

Dartmouth Medical School

1999, Lebanon, NH


Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center

2000, Lebanon, NH


Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center

2002, Lebanon, NH

Jason Reynolds | Certifications

  • American Board of Pediatrics (General)

Jason Reynolds | Professional History

Dr. Reynolds has been at Wareham Pediatrics since 2002 and during that time he has been fortunate to partner with Boston Children's Hospital to provide innovative care in the local community. He has published articles on Pediatric Weight Loss using telehealth in the primary care clinic to treat pediatric obesity and the treatment of pediatric substance use disorder in primary care. He has been featured on the Today Show and in 2019 he was invited to speak the American Academy of Pediatrics National Meeting on his experience treating pediatric opiate use disorder. He has also received Community Physician of the Year Awards from The Massachusetts Medical Society and Boston Children's Hospital.

I was drawn to pediatrics because of the opportunity to form lasting relationships with families to help them raise healthy children. I have always had a passion for chronic disease management and the Patient Centered Medical Home model of care. I strive to work with my staff to help families achieve optimal health outcomes and identify resources to aid families as they care for their children.
