Current Environment: Production

Anne Marie Valente | Medical Services

Programs & Services


  • English

Anne Marie Valente | Education

Undergraduate School

Boston College

1992, Boston, MA

Medical School

University of Vermont Medical School

1996, Burlington, VT


Duke University

1997, Durham, NC


Duke University

2000, Durham, NC


Duke University

2006, Durham, NC

Anne Marie Valente | Certifications

  • American Board of Internal Medicine (Adult Congenital Heart Disease)

Anne Marie Valente | Professional History

Dr. Valente completed residency in Internal Medicine and Pediatrics, and fellowships in pediatric cardiology and adult cardiovascular disease, including advanced training in cardiac imaging at Duke University Medical Center. Dr. Valente is the director of the Boston Adult Congenital Heart (BACH) program. She is currently a member of the Non-Invasive Division in the Department of Cardiology at Boston Children's Hospital specializing in cardiac magnetic resonance imaging. Her research interests focus primarily on identifying non-invasive risk factors in patients with complex congenital heart disease; much of her work involves patients with repaired tetralogy of Fallot (TOF), including leading an international registry (INDICATOR) of TOF patients.

Dr. Valente is a founding member of the Alliance for Adult Research in Congenital Cardiology Group and has been involved in multi-center trials in adults with congenital heart disease. Additionally, Dr. Valente co-directs the Pregnancy and Cardiovascular Disease Program at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital and leads several investigations in women with congenital heart disease during pregnancy. She serves on multiple regional and national committees, including the American College of Cardiology and the American Heart Association.

Anne Marie Valente | Media

Caregiver Profile

Meet Dr. Anne Marie Valente

Anne Marie Valente | Publications

While in medical school at the University of Vermont, my mentor brought me to Boston Children’s Hospital to observe complex congenital cardiac surgery in a newborn. Watching that intricate procedure, I could not stop thinking about what the future would hold for that young child. Working at Boston Children’s Hospital allows me to interact with so many amazing adults who have grown up with congenital heart disease. The advances in the field have been great over the past two decades; and I am fortunate to be a member of the Boston Adult Congenital Heart Disease Program to help further the mission to improve the long-term outcomes in adults with congenital heart disease.