Current Environment: Production

Elizabeth Rose | Education

Undergraduate School

Miami University of Ohio

2008, Miami, OH

Graduate School

University of Iowa

2010, Iowa CIty, IA


Children's Hospital Colorado

2010, Denver, CO


Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center

2010, Cincinnati, OH


Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center

Cincinnati, OH

Elizabeth Rose | Certifications

  • American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (Speech Language Pathology)
  • Otolaryngology - Non-AB

Elizabeth Rose | Professional History

Elizabeth N. Rose is an SLP in Boston Children’s Hospital’s Augmentative Communication Program. She specializes in the evaluation, assessment, design, and implementation of low-, mid-, and high-tech communication systems for children and adults with complex needs. Elizabeth teaches and presents at the graduate level, at national and international conferences, and also serves as the AAC and communication specialist for BCH’s Cerebral Palsy program and Complex Care clinic. Prior to joining the BCH team, Elizabeth served as an AAC specialist at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center. Elizabeth is a graduate of the University of Iowa, where she catered her education to focus on Augmentative and Alternative Communication.

Everyone, regardless of diagnosis or perceived skill, deserves unique, well-matched, and evidenced-based communication supports. Communication strategies and devices should be functional, harness individual strengths, and allow a user’s unique personality to shine through.
