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Frances Grimstad | Education

Undergraduate School

Sarah Lawrence College

2008, Bronxville, NY

Medical School

University of Southern California, Keck School of Medicine

2013, Los Angeles, NY


University of Kansas Medical Center

2017, Kansas City, MO


Children's Mercy Hospital

2019, Kansas City, MO

Graduate School

University of Missouri Kansas City

2019, Kansas City, MO


Gender Affirming Surgery

Cleveland Clinic

2022, Cleveland, OH

Frances Grimstad | Certifications

  • American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology

Frances Grimstad | Professional History

Frances Grimstad (she/her) is a Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecologist at Boston Children’s Hospital and an Assistant Professor of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Biology at Harvard Medical School. She has completed fellowships in Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology at Children's Mercy Hospital as well as Gender Affirming Surgery at the Cleveland Clinic. At Boston Children’s she is the founder of the Reproductive Health Service and also the gynecologist in the Center for Gender Surgery and the Being-U clinic (the program for patients with intersex traits, or differences in sexual development). 

Frances Grimstad | Publications

I believe that every individual deserves a safe clinical space to achieve their optimal gynecologic, reproductive and sexual health. Reproductive health and the decisions that surround it are deeply personal and as unique as each individual. I am passionate about providing patient centered care for the spectrum of conditions seen in gynecology.

I have a specific expertise in transgender and intersex/differences in sex development reproductive health.

My clinical and research interests center around optimizing reproductive health outcomes for both populations including hormonal and menstrual management, sexual health, surgical care, and family planning.
