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Young athletes — and their families — want to succeed at their sport. Many believe that if they put all their focus into one area, they’ll be more likely to achieve their athletic dreams, but that isn’t always the case.

In this episode, host Dr. Jennifer Arnold talks with one of our doctors in the Sports Medicine Division about sports specialization.

Together, they share practical advice for families and answer questions such as: 

  • What are some of the overall benefits of sports?
  • What is sports specialization, and why has it become so popular with young athletes?
  • How does puberty impact sports specialization?
  • Are there physical and mental risks to sports specialization?
  • What are some of the long-term risks of sports specialization?
  • What research is underway to help prevent sports injuries?
  • How can athletes prevent concussions, and how has concussion management changed?

Participating in sports and exercising offer many benefits, regardless of your child’s age. However, it's important that young athletes give themselves the time they need to rest and don't lock into any single sport too early.