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Researcher | Research Overview

Dr. Kalish’s research is motivated by the desire to improve the lives of fragile newborns and to prevent or treat neurodevelopmental disorders. Specifically, the mission of the Kalish Lab is to understand how pregnancy and early life experience shape neurodevelopment and plasticity. The lab leverages cutting-edge molecular neuroscience and genomics to address fundamental questions at the intersection of neurodevelopment and reproductive biology.

Researcher | Research Background

Dr. Kalish completed a Howard Hughes Medical Research Fellowship under Dr. Mark Puder, Boston Children's Hospital. He was a NIH- and March of Dimes-funded Pediatric Scientist Development Program Awardee. He completed his postdoctoral research in the laboratory of Dr. Michael Greenberg at Harvard Medical School, where Dr. Kalish developed expertise in molecular neuroscience.
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Researcher | Publications