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An important message to our patients and their caregivers.

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Who we are

The Adult Strabismus Service at Boston Children’s Hospital offers comprehensive evaluation and treatment for adults with strabismus, a condition that occurs when one or more of the six eye muscles that control eye movement don’t function properly, leading to eye misalignment.

  • Strabismus is commonly known as crossed eyes, wandering eyes, or floating eyes.
  • Those who are born with strabismus often develop amblyopia (lazy eye), which occurs when the eye that is out of alignment loses communication with the brain.
  • In adults, it often results from progressive untreated or unsuccessfully treated strabismus in childhood.

Strabismus in adults can also result from illnesses, such as thyroid disease, or from an eye injury. When it is acquired in adulthood it often leads to double vision because the eyes are out of line with each other, yet the brain communicates with both eyes.

Our expertise

  • At Boston Children's Hospital, pediatric ophthalmologists specialize in the delicate eye muscle surgery required to fix strabismus treat both children and adults.
  • In addition to problems with vision, strabismus affects a person’s appearance and communication because it diminishes one’s ability to make eye contact. Adults with strabismus have reported that their self-esteem, communication and, in some cases, driving and reading skills, have improved with successful treatment.

Conditions and treatments

Talk to Lesley