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Caring for chronic pain

Chronic pain can be challenging for patients and their families. Its treatment often requires the expertise of professionals from many different disciplines. With this in mind, the Chronic Pain Clinic at Boston Children's Hospital takes a team approach to evaluating and treating children and young adults with persistent pain. This team of skilled clinicians includes physicians, nurses, psychologists, and physical therapists dedicated to caring for children, adolescents, and young adults with chronic pain on an outpatient basis. We recommend a personalized treatment plan for each child intended to address not just the pain itself but also any related disabilities.

Our approach to chronic pain

Your child's specific pain treatment plan will depend on a number of factors, such as the nature and cause of the pain. We may suggest several options for pain management, including:

We often help work with schools to plan your child's return to school or help recommend modifications to your child's school environment to eliminate pain triggers. In addition, we can address the impacts of chronic pain on sleep, which can be challenging for all people who are in pain.

After evaluation, the team may recommend admission to the Mayo Family Pediatric Pain Rehabilitation Center (PPRC), an intensive rehabilitation program that serves the needs of children and adolescents with certain chronic pain conditions.