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What is cholesteatoma?

Cholesteatoma is the accumulation of skin in an abnormal location. It typically happens behind the eardrum. Cholesteatoma also occurs when there's an accumulation of air cells behind the ear, called the mastoid. If your child has cholesteatoma, she will likely experience conductive hearing loss (affecting the outer and middle ear).

In some cases, children also expel foul-smelling ear drainage. If you notice these symptoms, contact your doctor right away. Your child will be treated surgically in order to remove the abnormal cells and to re-establish hearing. Your child's team will also manage your child's long-term follow-up care, crucial for the successful management of cholesteatoma.

How we approach cholesteatoma

Our Department of Otolaryngology and Communication Enhancement provides care including diagnostic evaluation and surgical therapy for children of all ages with diseases or conditions of the head and neck, including the ears, nose, and throat.

Cholesteatoma | Programs & Services