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Global Impact | Overview

The world comes to Boston Children’s for answers, but our cardiac surgery team also travels the world to answer the questions of specialists who want to understand how we treat congenital heart disease (CHD). We also reach children where they are to provide critical care. The world is never too big.

A global network to improve heart surgery

We train surgical teams around the world so they can perform complex surgeries themselves and give children an opportunity to lead healthy lives. We share research findings, demonstrate innovative surgical techniques, and show how teams work together.

We are privileged to help hospitals and clinics that don’t have the resources available. We also bring our hosts’ proven ideas back to Boston because they often find amazing ways to do more with less. This global network of surgeons constantly collaborates — at conferences and seminars and through virtual meetings and telephone calls — so that we can together learn the best modern approaches to treatment.

Making a difference in Boston and beyond

Our surgeons are not only researchers and caregivers but also leaders in humanitarian missions, providing critical care to children in underserved regions. We also welcome patients from around the globe to our hospital in Boston, ensuring that our world-class expertise is accessible to those seeking life-changing cardiac interventions. 

Explore the map below to discover the many places where our cardiac surgery team has made a global impact over the last 20 years.


Globetrotting cardiac surgeons share their knowledge

Clinicians wearing blue scrubs stand around man in black long-sleeve T-shirt

Surgeon’s last-minute trip to Sri Lanka reduces children’s wait for needed heart repair

Dr. Baird and his team helped an understaffed Sri Lankan heart surgery team learn how to perform a complex operation and reduce a long waiting list of children who need heart valve repair.

Graphic: Hands surround images of the planet and a heart

Bringing Ozaki procedure to the world to repair children’s aortic valves

Originally an adult cardiac surgery, the Ozaki procedure was innovated & adapted for pediatrics at Boston Children’s Hospital. Trained by Dr. Baird and Dr. Cooney, surgeons in Chile, China, Vietnam, India, the Republic of Georgia, and Spain have begun doing their own pediatric Ozaki procedures.

Patients from around the world come to Boston Children's

From Pakistan to Boston: Faiz finally found help for his complex heart condition

Defying the predictions of local doctors who advised against heart surgery, 6-year-old Faiz’s parents searched the world for a surgeon to treat his complex condition, until they found one here at Boston Children’s.

Read more about Faiz

Saving baby Marcela: A mother’s mission to finally hold her daughter

Born with her heart outside of her chest cavity, Marcela needed surgery fast. Unable to receive life-saving surgery in Guatemala, her mother embarked on a worldwide search for a surgeon who could help her daughter live.

Read more about Marcela

From South Africa to Boston: Kyleigh’s four-year search for good heart health

Four-year-old Kyleigh’s family never gave up hope they would find the right treatment for her failing heart. Luckily, they found the cardiac surgeons and cardiologists at Boston Children’s, who repaired her heart and ensured she could go home to South Africa full of energy and in good health.

Read more about Kyleigh