About trisomies and monosomies
A trisomy and a monosomy are types of numerical chromosome abnormalities that can cause certain birth defects. Normally, people are born with 23 chromosome pairs, or 46 chromosomes, in each cell — one inherited from the mother and one from the father. A numerical chromosome abnormality can cause each cell to have 45 or 47 chromosomes in each cell.
What are trisomies?
The term "trisomy" is used to describe the presence of an extra chromosome — or three instead of the usual pair. For example, trisomy 21 or Down syndrome occurs when a baby is born with three #21 chromosomes. In trisomy 18, there are three copies of chromosome #18 in every cell of the body, rather than the usual pair.
What are monosomies?
The term "monosomy" is used to describe the absence of one member of a pair of chromosomes. Therefore, there are 45 chromosomes in each cell of the body instead of the usual 46. Monosomy X, or Turner syndrome, occurs when a baby is born with only one X sex chromosome, rather than the usual pair (either two Xs or one X and one Y sex chromosome).
Trisomies and Monosomies | Programs & Services
Cardiac Neurodevelopmental Program
The Cardiac Neurodevelopmental Program uses a compassionate, family-centered approach to diagnose and treat neurodevelopmental disorders.
Care for Children with Medical Complexity
The Care for Children with Medical Complexity program strives to provide high quality of care across the continuum to more than 4,000 children with medical complexity.
The Department of Neurology cares for infants, children, and adolescents with all types of neurologic and developmental disorders.
Pediatric Occupational Therapy
The Department of Pediatric Occupational Therapy works with patients whose abilities are limited due to an injury, illness, or developmental issue.