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The Pediatric Cancer Genetic Risk Program at Dana-Farber/Boston Children's provides cancer risk assessment for children, comprehensive recommendations for managing cancer risk in children, and psychosocial support for families affected by hereditary cancer. We also conduct research into many aspects of cancer risk and its management. We are one of the few cancer genetic risk programs in the U.S. focused specifically on pediatric cancer risk.

Our goal is to help you determine whether your children are at risk of cancer — and if so, what can be done either to help prevent cancer in your children or to catch it early and address it quickly for the best possible outcome.

How we manage genetic cancer risk

We help you manage all aspects of genetic cancer risk — from consideration of testing to monitoring to counseling. A visit to our program usually includes time with both a physician and a genetic counselor, both of whom have expertise in inherited cancer syndromes that affect children. We are also one of the few programs of this type that includes a pediatric psychologist who specializes in pediatric hereditary cancer. This specialized consultation is a standard part of clinic visits offered to each family.

Find in-depth information on the Pediatric Cancer Genetic Risk Program on the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute website.

Talk to Lesley