Current Environment:

We recommend a variety of internal and external resources for patients in the Aerodigestive Center and their families:

Informational resources

Mom and toddler

The modified barium swallow study: What's it like?

This test can help clinicians determine whether a child is aspirating, or inhaling food or liquid into their lungs.

Financial resources

Additional resources

The social worker on your child's care team can help if you need assistance in any of the following areas:

  • Resources for coping with chronic illness, managing pain, stress and anxiety, sibling support, or post-partum depression
  • Resources related to housing, legal matters, food, finances, respite, transition planning into adulthood, LGBTQ issues, or immigration
  • Resources for educational needs (including advocacy and assistance with IEP/504 plans and bullying)

For detailed information about visiting Boston Children's Hospital and other available resources, visit our Patient Resources page.