Learn what it's like living with ulcerative colitis and how to help your child.
Summary points
Meeting with a social worker at the time of diagnosis can help with lifestyle adjustments.
Families often experience grief over the loss of normalcy and predictability.
For young children, it is important to get back to a routine as soon as possible. Even if activities have to be a bit altered, rituals and predictability can help bring back a sense of safety and normalcy.
Stress doesn’t cause ulcerative colitis (UC), but it can sometimes make symptoms worse. Anticipating stressful situations provides the opportunity to problem-solve ways to cope.
Pre-teens and adolescents are most concerned with the social implications of their UC and the invasion of privacy. It is important for them to regain a sense of control and decide what to tell others. There is no right or wrong way to share information; however, telling friends can help provide support during a flare up.