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An important message to our patients and their caregivers.

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Patient Resources | Overview

ADA special accommodations

At Boston Children's Hospital, we are committed to making our facilities and services accessible to all. Learn about ADA special accommodations.

Hale Family Center for Families

The Hale Family Center for Families can help you find the information and resources to make your stay at Boston Children's a more positive experience. They offer information on all hospital services, computers for patient and family use, and reading and video lending libraries.

Financial counselors

We understand that navigating through the complexities of insurance coverage and billing is often times confusing and frustrating. This website will attempt to provide you with helpful information about the registration process and financial matters associated with your care.

You may also call 617-355-7201 to speak with one of our financial counselors.

Transitioning to adult care

Transitioning to adult health services is part of a normal developmental process as health needs change for individuals as they age. It’s important that young adults develop more independence with their own health. Caregivers or parents play a critical role. This role involves not only helping their children develop these skills, but also transferring over responsibility to their child. And, for individuals who cannot make their own decisions in adulthood, caregivers must prepare for changes as their children age.

HelpSteps is a free, web-based database that connects individuals to health and human services in Massachusetts. The database includes information on more than 1,700 state agencies.