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Nilesh Mehta | Education

Medical School

T. N. Medical College

Bombay, India


King Edward VII Memorial Hospital

Bombay, India


Pediatric Medicine

North Thames Deanery

London, England



Boston Combined Residency Program (BCRP)

Boston, MA


Critical Care Medicine

Boston Children's Hospital

Boston, MA


Pediatric Critical Care

St. Mary's Hospital

Boston, MA

Nilesh Mehta | Certifications

  • American Board of Pediatrics (Critical Care Medicine)
  • American Board of Pediatrics (General)

Nilesh Mehta | Professional History

Dr. Nilesh Mehta is the Chief of Critical Care Medicine Division. He is the Anesthesia Chair for Critical Care Nutrition and Metabolism. He is Professor of Anesthesia (Critical Care) at Harvard Medical School. He has a long track record of mentorship, funded research (clinical and translational studies and trials) in the field of critical care nutrition and metabolism. He is the founder and Director (2010 - 2020) of the multidisciplinary institutional Pediatric Critical Care Nutrition program. Dr. Mehta served as the 42nd President, and Chair of the Corporate Scientific Advisory Council (CSAC), and he is currently on the Board of Advisors of the American Society of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (ASPEN). He is the recipient of the Stanley Dudrick Research Scholar Award (He is the founder and Director (2010 - 2020) of the multidisciplinary institutional Pediatric Critical Care Nutrition program.

He is the Executive Director of PICU CLOUD (Collaborative Learning through Outcomes Data sharing) – a consortium of 24 PICUs at leading academic centers in 12 countries. He is the founder and Executive Director of the the Perioperative and Critical Care – Center for Outcomes Research and Evaluation (PC-CORE), novel interdisciplinary platform to harness emerging technology to create clinical decision making tools, guide the Departmental data strategy, and evaluate effectiveness of care.

Nilesh Mehta | Publications