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Benjamin Brett | Overview

Dr. Benjamin Brett is currently a postdoctoral fellow at the Medical College of Wisconsin in the Joint Clinical Neuropsychology and Brain Injury Research Program Fellowship. While obtaining his PhD in Counseling Psychology at the University of Memphis, Dr. Brett completed a number of externships/practicums in applied clinical neuropsychology and a clinical internship with a specialization in clinical neuropsychology at the Veterans Affairs Connecticut Health Care System. Dr. Brett has several peer-reviewed publications on the subject of long-term outcomes associated with prior contact sport participation and repetitive mTBI, with a particular focus factors that may moderate these relationships. As an NFL-LONG study team member, he will be looking to extend upon his previous work and contributing to the mission of the study, to improve the long-term neurological health of former NFL players, while enhancing the health and safety of current and future athletes at all competitive levels.