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How to refer a patient or yourself for a fetal cardiology evaluation

Obstetricians and cardiologists, when making patient referrals to Boston Children’s Fetal Cardiology Program, please follow the steps below. Patients, you can also refer yourself by also following these steps:

  1. Please send a request with your or your patient’s name and medical records for current pregnancy. Records should include fetal echo reports, ultrasound and MRI reports, genetic testing results, demographics, and insurance information.
  2. Send DICOM echo imaging to
    • Physicians, if this is your first time accessing Ambra, you will need to create an account. You will have access to the studies you upload going forward. Patients, you can have access to your own images in Ambra through its self-service patient portal. Speak to your healthcare provider to learn how.
    • If you already have Ambra, our share code is BostonChildrensHospital (all one word).
    • Please email and CC our Cardiology Image Service Center at once the studies have been uploaded so that images can be processed and reviewed as quickly as possible. This same link can be used to send images to Boston Children’s Department of Cardiology going forward. Please email each time you send images.
    • If you have imaging and documentation that are in a non-DICOM format (AVI, MP4, MOV, PDF, etc.), please use
  3. When sending images electronically:
    • Please request a link to Life Image from a member of our team by emailing Please only open the link when you are ready to upload. Links lasts for 30 days; if you attempt to use it and do not make an upload, a new link will have to be sent. Please upload ultrasound/MRI images to Life Image in DICOM format.
    • Please email our team when you have uploaded or sent the images so we can review them as quickly as possible.
  4. To mail images, please send a disc to:
    • ATTN: Fetal Care and Surgery Center
      Boston Children’s Hospital
      300 Longwood Ave./Pavilion 2
      Boston, MA 02115