Current Environment:


Recall Alert

There is a voluntary recall of Potassium Chloride Extended-Release Capsules. Learn more

School-Based Initiative | Overview

BCHNP promotes and fosters the social, emotional, and behavioral health and well-being of students, caregivers, and staff through our School-Based Initiative. In partnership with the Boston Public Schools (BPS), BCHNP psychologists and social workers work onsite in four partner schools as integrated and essential members of school communities. As part of school teams, our clinicians build intentional partnerships to understand the unique ecology of each school to meet the needs of the school and community. Our team collaborates with school staff and community partners to provide a full and flexible spectrum of equitable and culturally responsive services to students and their families through a tiered approach. These services overlap, are tailored to school communities and student need, and include:

  • capacity and system building services, including consultation, teaming, and professional development
  • prevention and health promotion services, including classroom interventions and schoolwide programming
  • early intervention services, including care coordination and targeted groups
  • clinical intervention services, including individual therapy and crisis management

Our program integrates a family centered and holistic approach to supporting students, and it involves caregivers as essential partners. As part of our program culture, team members meet weekly to provide consultation, support, training, resources, and shared learning across school sites. Program evaluation is a critical component of our work, allowing us to adapt and improve our work through the collection of needs assessment data, pre- and post-surveys, satisfaction surveys, and progress monitoring data.

BCHNP reaches about 1,400 students and provides more than 1,400 hours of training and consultation to school staff and families/caregivers annually.

Partnering schools for 2021-2022

Please download our annual report or contact BCHNP to learn more about this initiative.