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Researcher | Research Overview

Our lab has three main broad areas of research: drug delivery, biomaterials, and nanomedicine, with considerable overlap between these. Some of our projects are driven by developing new technologies, others by trying to find cures for specific diseases. Pain, otitis media and other otic diseases, ophthalmic diseases, peritoneal adhesions, sepsis, and cancer are among the medical conditions that receive the most attention in our group.


Researcher | Research Background

Dr. Daniel S. Kohane obtained his MD and a PhD in Physiology from Boston University. He subsequently completed residencies in Pediatrics (Boston Children's Hospital) and Anesthesiology (Massachusetts general Hospital), followed by a fellowship in Pediatric Critical Care (Boston Children's Hospital). He is currently a Senior Associate in Pediatric Critical Care at Boston Children's Hospital at Harvard Medical School, where he directs the Laboratory for Biomaterials and Drug Delivery.


Researcher | Publications