Data sets associated with publications
Here you will find data sets associated with our lab's publications.
Fame, RM, Kalugin, PN, Petrova, B, Xu, H, Soden, PA, Shipley, FB, Dani, N, Grant, B, Pragana, A, Head, JP, Gupta, S, Shannon, ML, Chifamba, FF, Hawks-Mayer, H, Vernon, A, Gao, F, Zhang, Y, Holtzman, MJ, Heiman, M, Andermann, ML, Kanarek, N, Lipton, JO, Lehtinen, MK. Defining diurnal fluctuations in the choroid plexus and CSF at high molecular, spatial, and temporal resolution. Nature Communications 2023 Jun 22;14(1):3720.
- The sequencing data from the TRAP study (for Figs. 1–3) generated in this study have been deposited in the GEO database under accession number GSE161877.
- The metabolomics data have been deposited in the Metabolomics Workbench databaseunder study ID ST002707.
- Code used for photometry processing, time-lapse explant imaging analysis, and vesicle apical-basal localization (Figs. 4 and 6) is publicly available [].
Dani, N*, Herbst, RH*, McCabe, C, Green, G, Kaiser, K, Head, J, Cui, J, Shipley, FB, Jang, A, Dionne, D, Nguyen, L, Rodman, C, Riesenfeld, SJ, Prochazk, J, Prochazkova, M, Sedlacek, R, Zhang, F, Bryja, V, Rozenblatt-Rosen, O, Habib, N#, Regev, A#, Lehtinen, MK# (co-senior authors). A cellular and spatial map of the choroid plexus across brain ventricles and ages. Cell 2021 May 27 184(11)3056-3074. Available online 4/27/2021.
- Raw and processed mouse sequencing data are available at Single Cell Portal and Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) database GSE168704.
- Code is available.
Shipley, FB* Dani, N* Xu, H, Deister, C, Cui, J, Head, JP, Sadegh, C, Fame, RM, Shannon,ML, Flores, VI, Kishkovich, T, Jang, E, Klein, EM, Goldey, G, He, K, Zhang, Y, Holtzman, MJ, Kirchhausen,T, Wyart, C, Moore,CI, Andermann, ML#, Lehtinen, MK# (*, #, equal contribution). Tracking calcium dynamics and immune surveillance at the choroid plexus blood-cerebrospinal fluid interface. Neuron 2020 Nov. 25; 108: 623-639. Available online Sept. 21, 2020.
Xu, H,* Fame, RM,* Sadegh, C, Sutin, J, Naranjo, C, Syau, D, Cui, J, Shipley, FB, Vernon, A, Gao, F, Zhang, F, Holtzman, MJ, Heiman, M, Warf, BC, Lin, P-Y, Lehtinen, MK. Choroid plexus-NKCC1 mediates cerebrospinal fluid clearance during mouse early postnatal development. Nature Communications 2021 Jan. 19; 12:447.
- TRAP_LVChP_Adult_Embryo_FPKM Table
- TRAP_LVChP_Adult_Embryo_DEG_DESSeq2 Table
- TRAP_LVChP_Adult_Embryo_DEG_CuffDiff Table
Chau,KF, Shannon, ML, Fame, RM, Fonseca, E, Mullan, H, Johnson, MB, Sendamarai, AK, Springel, MW, Laurent, B, Lehtinen, MK. Downregulation of ribosome biogenesis during early forebrain development. eLife 2018 Publish on acceptance May 10.
Chau, KF, Springel, MW, Broadbelt, KG, Park, H-Y, Topal, S, Lun, MP, Mullan, H, Maynard, T, Steen, H, LaMantia, A-S, Lehtinen, MK, 2015. Progressive differentiation and instructive capacities of amniotic fluid and cerebrospinal fluid proteomes following neural tube closure. Developmental Cell 35, 789–802.
Lun, MP, Johnson, MB, Broadbelt, KG, Watanabe, M, Kang, Y-J, Chau, KF, Springel, MW, Malesz, A, Sousa, AMM, Pletikos, M, Adelita, T, Calicchio, ML, Zhang, Y, Holtzman, MJ, Lidov, HGW, Sestan, N, Steen, H, Monuki, ES, Lehtinen, MK,, 2015. Spatially heterogeneous choroid plexus transcriptomes encode positional identity and contribute to regional cerebrospinal fluid production. J Neuroscience, 35(12): 4903-4916.