Current Environment: Production

Newborn care at Newton-Wellesley Hospital

If your baby is born at Newton-Wellesley Hospital, our pediatricians will provide daily visits and medical care for your newborn.

Our practice is conveniently located in the medical office building at Newton-Wellesley Hospital, so we are always close to you and your newborn.

If you baby is born at another hospital, such as Brigham and Women's Hospital, Beth Israel-Deaconess Medical Center, Massachusetts General Hospital, Tufts-New England Medical Center, Mount Auburn Hospital, St. Elizabeth's Hospital, or elsewhere, the pediatric hospitalist at that particular institution will take care of your baby.

After discharge from the hospital, we can see your baby in one to three days in our office. Please call our office at the time of your baby's discharge from the hospital to schedule a newborn visit.

Inpatient care at Newton-Wellesley Hospital

If you child becomes ill and needs to be hospitalized, our pediatricians will either admit your child to the Pediatric Unit at Newton-Wellesley Hospital, send you to Boston Children's Hospital, or send you to Massachusetts General Hospital for Children to be admitted.

If we admit you to the pediatric unit at Newton-Wellesley Hospital, we will manage your child's medical care in a comfortable community hospital setting. We have the benefit of taking care of your child with the help of the in-house pediatric residents from the Massachusetts General Hospital Pediatric Residency program. We work together with pediatric sub-specialists on-site, as needed.

If you are admitted to an outside hospital, the pediatric hospitalists at that hospital will manage your child's care. Your pediatrician will communicate with those physicians to stay involved with your child's care throughout their hospitalization.

Talk to Lesley