Current Environment: Production

Telemedicine visits

There are various reasons why the booking of Telemedicine visits, in-lieu of an In-Person office visit, may be the best option for you (or our child) to receive care.

Whether it is illness or travel restraints that make it difficult to see your provider in the office, don’t feel that all is lost as we would be happy to offer a virtual telemedicine visit where it is appropriate and where schedules permit. 

Please be aware, new regulations have been implemented since the height of the pandemic that have made it so that Telehealth/Telemedicine visits are billed and reimbursed by insurances the same way an in-person visit would be billed and paid.  Our office and your provider have no control over this; Your insurance carrier would be able to provide insight on deductible responsibilities, etc.

Well visit/physical exam/check-up

If you would like to schedule a follow up appointment or a routine physical appointment, please either call the office between 7:30 a.m. & 5 p.m. on weekdays or log into the MyChart patient portal. Please note that when using the patient portal to request an appointment, you will receive a response within 3-5 business days.

Our schedules are released for booking 1 year in advance. Due to the high volume of routine physical appointments, especially during the summer months, it is important that you call the office to schedule your appointment as soon as possible.

There are several routine/well visits within the first 2 years of life, and then an annual check-up is recommended for all children starting after age 2 years.

Same day sick visits 

If you would like your child to be seen for a Same Day Sick visit, please call the office for an appointment during regular business hours. We will try to schedule appointments with your primary care physician or primary nurse practitioner when possible.

Asthma follow-up

It is important to follow up with your provider to make sure all is well and to learn how to better control your child’s asthma. The provider will assess your child and address management/control, treatment, and update the individualized asthma action plan.

If your child needs to be seen for an asthma follow up visit please call the office for an appointment 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on weekdays or log into the MyChart patient portal. Please note that when using the patient portal you will receive a response within 3-5 business days.

ADHD follow-up

The best approach to addressing and treating ADHD is for the pediatrician to work in collaboration with the child, parents and teachers. This collaboration includes completion of an assessment that will help to determine the extent of the problem and aid in providing a successful management plan.

You will be given Vanderbilt Assessment Scales for parents and teachers that evaluate your child’s attention/behavior at home and at school. The questions are primarily focused on ADD/ADHD but also help to identify other behavioral difficulties that your child may be experiencing.

The provider will review the scales, establish a diagnosis, determine the level of medication, if needed, and develop a management plan that may include behavior therapy. Once your child begins a course of medication and/or behavior therapy, you and the teacher will complete a second follow-up Vanderbilt Assessment Scale. These scales will help the pediatrician to monitor your child’s progress.

It is important for the provider to have follow-up visits with your child every three to four months to review the assessment scales, the management plan and any prescribed medications.

To schedule an ADHD Follow-up appointment please call the office between 7:30 a.m. & 5 p.m. on weekdays or log into the patient portal. Please note that when using the patient portal you will receive a response within 3-5 business days.

Medication/birth control visit (follow-up)

The provider will meet with you and/or your child to assess and discuss the effectiveness of the medication, side effects, dosage, and any changes that need to be made to the treatment plan.

If you would like to schedule a medication or birth control visit, please call the office between 7:30 a.m. & 5 p.m. on weekdays or log into the patient portal. Please note that when using the patient portal you will receive a response within 3- 5 business days.

Emergency department/hospitalization follow-up

If you would like to schedule a follow up visit after a recent ER visit or hospital stay, then please call the office between 7:30 a.m. & 5 p.m. on weekdays.

At this visit the provider will discuss specifics of your child’s hospital visit and plans for continuing treatment.

Prenatal consultation

If you would like to schedule a prenatal consultation with one of our primary care providers, please call the office between 7:30 a.m. & 5 p.m. on weekdays. Your doctor will meet with you to discuss specific concerns/questions you may have.

Nurse visit

If you would like to schedule a nurse visit appointment, please call the office between 7:30 a.m. & 5 p.m. on weekdays.

Nurse visit appointments can be scheduled for Tuesdays (10 a.m. to noon) and Wednesdays (8 a.m. to noon). At this appointment you will meet with a nurse for administration of a vaccine(s). Please note you will not be seeing the doctor at this visit.

Talk to Lesley