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Clinical research

Genetics researcher Alan Beggs, PhD, and his team are exploring how genes influence neuromuscular disorders. They hope to use this knowledge to develop new diagnostics and therapies.

Clinical trials are studies that may involve:

  • Evaluating the effectiveness of a new drug therapy
  • Testing a new diagnostic procedure or device
  • Examining a new treatment method for a particular disease
  • Taking a closer look at the causes and progression of specific conditions

If your physician recommends that your child participate in a clinical trial, you can feel confident that the plan detailed for that study represents the best and most innovative care. Taking part in a clinical trial at Boston Children’s is entirely voluntary. Our team will be sure to fully address any questions you may have, and you may remove your child from the medical study at any time.

Search current and upcoming clinical trials at Boston Children’s.

Infant seizure trial

Laboratory discoveries by a Boston Children’s neurologist that detail the physiology and biochemistry of a baby's brain have recently explained why most infants seem immune to anticonvulsants. This finding has led Janet Soul, MD, director of Children’s Fetal-Neonatal Neurology Program, to develop new treatments specific to infant biology, including a pilot study of bumetanide to treat newborns experiencing early seizures.

Read more about the evolution of this clinical trial.