Current Environment:


Recall Alert

There is a voluntary recall of Potassium Chloride Extended-Release Capsules. Learn more

Yoga Fun at Home | Overview

Printable Yoga Cards:

Instructions:  Print these out to help guide your practice at home.  There are two poses per page.  Cut each page in half to separate the poses.  You can personalize the cards by coloring them in yourself or you can use cards that were colored in by Adventure Challenge yoga students.  For durability, consider laminating the cards. You may be able to do this at school or most stores that do copying can also laminate or you can buy stick-on lamination to use at home. Note: These cards were created by student volunteers from Simmons College Physical Therapy program class of 2015, Stephanie Francoise, Kathryn Leonard, and Lauren Miccile and are shared with their permission.

Color Your Own Cards
Colorful Cards by Adventure Challenge students

Printable Calendar: 

Try practicing a yoga pose every day and write down which yoga pose you did! At the end of the month you can bring in your calendar to lead a sun salutation or yoga pose of your choice! Click here for PDF of calendar.

Find a Yoga Class:

Helpful list where parents can find additional yoga classes around the greater Boston area Boston Magazine Kids Yoga classes

Read about yoga:

1. Yoga to bond children with their parents Huffington Post article

2. Fun and useful website to facilitate conversation between children and adults about doing yoga and staying healthy! PBS yoga website 

3. USA Today Magazine: “Could Yoga be the Answer?”

The article recommends the practice of yoga as a way to address childhood obesity. The components of the initiative launched by U.S. First Lady Michele Obama committed to solving the problem of childhood obesity are discussed. Statistics which show the prevalence of childhood obesity and inactivity in the U.S., according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are also highlighted. Detailed are recommendations by the American Academy of Pediatrics to help combat childhood obesity.